Cocos Islands are a small group of closely located to each other pieces of land in the Indian Ocean. Explorers discovered these islands in the XVII century. At this point, in the result of a popular referendum, the territory is under the jurisdiction of Australia.
Holiday feature on the Cocos Islands is that the tourist season lasts all year round, you can come here anytime and not be out of pocket. To attract tourists, local residents did not have to build or invent something - the nature has created all conditions for a true and proper rest.
Home Island and West - alone among the 27 islands on which people live. Here the traveler can rent a room in a cozy and warm home-styled hotels. Beaches on the Cocos Islands are so beautiful and comfortable that it seems as if they were created a powerful, supernatural force, to man, resting on them in the shade of palm trees, immediately forgot about all the troubles and problems. Diving enthusiasts believe that the Cocos Islands are not inferior to any other islands, but in something more perfect than the untwisted places for scuba diving. Water visibility is excellent, no dangerous currents or other hazards.
Excellent fishing - it is a worthy continuation of the rest, such an abundance and diversity of the underwater world can be found far from everywhere.
Finishing the story of the Cocos Islands, it is worth recalling that it is beautiful, in every way, place. Scenic tropics, the gentle sun, gentle waves and white sand - a place where you feel like never perfect.